하마모토 트로피칼 과일농장
- P.O. Box 11883, Tamuning, GU, 96931
- Phone: 789-6800
- Email: hamamoto0405@gmail.com
about 하마모토 트로피칼 과일농장
Paradise on earth!
We at Hamamoto Tropical Fruit world believe that the lifestyle and culture of any country is born of the natural environment. We cultivate that by giving you an experience of Guam's southern lifestyle through the exotic fruits produced by the land we live.
Take a tour with us to taste, see and experience the lifestyle and culture of southern Guam!
We at Hamamoto Tropical Fruit world believe that the lifestyle and culture of any country is born of the natural environment. We cultivate that by giving you an experience of Guam's southern lifestyle through the exotic fruits produced by the land we live.
Take a tour with us to taste, see and experience the lifestyle and culture of southern Guam!